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Educational Consulting

Dr. Katie helps families understand available ASD resources, identify those that help their unique situations, and create plans to move forward.

Primarily serving Colorado families whose students are in high school and/or transitioning to higher education.  

Schedule a consultive phone call to learn more about Colorado ASD resources, connect to a supportive network, and discover tools to help your student pursue post-secondary education.

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Dr. Katie has 20 years of experience working in student service positions for Colorado universities and colleges. She earned her PhD in Higher Education and Student Affairs Leadership (HESAL) from the University of Northern Colorado. She has founded multiple education planning LLCs, and she anticipates earning her Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA) membership and Certified Educational Planner (CEP) designation.

In consultive phone calls, Dr. Katie can help families understand IEPs and 504s, and she can serve as a resource advocate. She is also an active referral agent for Colorado case managers and service providers, and she supports families' connection to the resources they need to move forward.

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